Nearly three hours into it, and I think that
Home Page - Television Tropes & Idioms is a huge database of the most tangentially relevant trivial matters in all of pop culture doings. It's amazing at how expanse it is, and what's more, this is the first time i've visited the site for more than a minute at a time.
Here are a few more examples, pertaining to a plot device that is uniquely similar, yet still varying, from the issue of a tangible 'push-button' solution.
Attack Its Weak Point - Television Tropes & Idioms
Lampshaded in Star Wars: 'Republic Commando regarding spider droids: (I think this is a video game)
CT-01/425: Its durasteel plating is rated for starship hulls and is nearly invulnerable to small arms fire. Only its optical cluster, the red orb on its abdomen, is unshielded and vulnerable.
Scorch: In other words, shoot the big red spot.
The Star Fox series is fond of this, often in the obviously-glowing-red variation. Of particular note is one boss in Star Fox Command whose weak point is essentially a giant glowing butt. The enemy forces are mainly apes and monkeys, you see, and this boss is a Humongous Mecha baboon.
Peppy basically makes this trope. "Aim for his back!" "Aim for the open spot!" "Maybe it's an arm! Aim for the arm!" "Shoot the tentacles to open the core!"
The series also features some subversions, though. Andross in the 64 version seems like the eye-type, but shooting his eyes only stuns him briefly. To defeat him, the player has to first shoot his hands off, then shoot the head anywhere BUT the eyes. On the right route, he then reveals his true form: a giant brain with detachable eyeballs that shoot lasers.
Lord Zedd's Putties were allegedly more powerful than Rita's Putties, but they could be defeated with one punch to the giant Z medals on on their chests. (/MMPR)