Originally posted by reconmike
What is there to be investigated? The world knew Iraq possesed
banned weapons, The almighty UN sent inspectors back in after the were kicked out.
All Hussien had to do was prove he no longer possesed these weapons to keep the big bad United States from attacking.
He failed to do so, so in my book he still had them.
How much simpler can it be?
My only concern is if they are not in Iraq who has them now.
The world didn't know, or else there wouldn't be so much anti american sentiment throughout the world. The US knew Iraq had the weapons with detailed spy pictures, so why not aid the UN inspectors to the correct locations?
Hussein would not ever comply with what he perceives to be evil. The same way you feel about complying with your enemy. By hindsight I am glad the bastard is gone, but it is important to realize his old connections with our government. He killed his people with the tools we provided him with. There is plenty of evidence of this here and on google.
If we KNOW WMD were/are there why is there only american "inspectors" there? Even if any WMD are found the simple fact that no independent group can verify them will lead a suspicious cloud over any future smoking gun.
Yes, if the weapons were there, then where are they? One reason for this war was to make sure no terrorist would get those weapons...and now there is a chance that is what has happened or will happen in due time.
So far the war on terror has failed; the Iraqi war has failed to bring democracy, or to show the "45-minute deployable" sites of the wmd. Two countries have been destroyed and all the reasons for destroying those two countries have not been fulfilled. Yep, mission accomplished for the oil pipeline.