Originally Posted by Pearl Trade
Take it slow and easy, man.
Now this, I can do. I've been busting my ass since college, working, making money, acquiring material goods and...I'm tired. And all those goods I acquired...now they're serving me. I can sell them and just...rest and relax and do what I want. People don't rest enough. They don't slow down enough because they're too busy worrying about bills and mortgages and all that shit. Well, I'm not going to live like that anymore.
I'm going to rest whenever I feel like for however long I feel like and no one is going to make me feel guilty about it. If I want to take 5 years off from work, I will do it. Just because others are lead through life by some crazy work ethic and some materialistic ideal doesn't mean I have to be. If you want more money and more stuff, that's your business, but I don't. I'm not gonna end up 80 years old with a bunch of money and a bunch of stuff just because I've spent my miserable life pursuing some bullshit capitalist ideal. And the next woman I get hooked up with is either going to share my viewpoint or she can continue on her merry old golddigging way.