Originally Posted by roachboy
thing is that--again--i don't understand why there's no conservative push-back on this. why no conservative counter-demonstrations? why so few national level conservatives denouncing this neo-fascist turn?
There's been a few conservative leaders identified just in this thread who are not against construction of the mosque.
I personally have no problem with this mosque (actually cultural center from some articles I've read).
So far I haven't seen any proof that everyone attending the anti-mosque rallies is a conservative nor have I seen any proof that no conservatives have attended pro-mosque rallies.
What I have seen is a few Democrats opposed to this mosque, starting with Harry Reid and now NY Gov Paterson and NY Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver backing away from allowing construction to proceed at that site.
State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver made his strongest comments to date about the placement of the so-called "Ground Zero mosque" today after a press conference on education funds.
Following the news conference on federal "Race to the Top"' grants with the governor, Silver said that while the developers of the Park51 Islamic Center had the legal right to build only two blocks from the site of the World Trade Center, they should seriously reconsider.
"The sponsor should take into very serious consideration the type of turmoil that's been created... and find a suitable place that doesn't create the kind of controversy this does," said Silver.
If this poll is any indication, it's not just conservatives that are opposed to the mosque
Many More Now Following Mosque Controversy ? And Don?t Like It - Rasmussen Reports
A lot more voters are paying attention to the plans to build a mosque near the Ground Zero site of the 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York City, and they don’t like the idea.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 85% of U.S. voters say they are now following news stories about the mosque planned near Ground Zero. That’s a 34-point jump from a month ago when only 51% said they were following the story.
The new finding includes 58% who are following the story very closely, up from 22% in mid-July.
Now 62% oppose the building of a mosque near where the World Trade Center stood in Lower Manhattan, compared to 54% in the previous survey. Twenty-five percent (25%) favor allowing the mosque to go ahead, and 13% more are not sure.
Sixty-eight percent (68%) of the Political Class, however, favor building the mosque near Ground Zero. Seventy-seven percent (77%) of Mainstream voters are opposed.
As far as I know, conservatives do not make up 77% of the mainstream voter class. Ignorance and intolerance exists in both groups. Surprise surprise.