Originally Posted by Cimarron29414
Regarding Posts 239 and 240: Opposing the building of a mosque within a one square mile radius in one city is not exactly the same as supporting the rounding up of all the Islamic, brown people and moving them to the old Japanese internment camps. I think you guys are letting your imaginations get the better of you - vilifying to the extreme.
For starters, I'm not suggesting that this issue is indicative of the hardships thrust on German-, Japanese-, and Italian-Americans during WWII. I was taking the overall sentiment and speculating on how it could turn to the worse. Which leads to my second point: this isn't just about opposing a mosque being built in the general vicinity of Ground Zero. It stopped being that days ago when it hit a surge of media coverage and public reaction. It's no longer about Lower Manhattan. It's no longer about the Islamic cultural centre (it's not a mosque, remember?).
It has become a cultural, social, and religious opposition to Islam in America. This is a culture clash, not a local civic dispute.
I'm a big picture guy and I have too much of an imagination. I also happen to live in a bubble and am somewhat detached from reality. So take what I say at this point with a grain of salt.