but i imagine that those who aren't participating are kinda pissed off. where are they?
Currently, they're mostly trying to tactfully shut this bunch up by reminding them that hey, this is America. Dr. Paul (the elder) is the first to make the national news, but it's turning into a significant schism. I've even seen some friction in that regard in my shop, from various customers. However, since "bleeding = leading," the MSM is mostly ignoring Conservative support for the rights of the Muslims in this case. Even my Boss, who makes Il Duce and Augusto Pinochet look like screaming leftists, is on Cordoba's side. He wishes they'd build it someplace else and avoid all the noise and distraction, but he fully supports their right to build their Comm. Centre wherever they like. "I may not like it, but this is America and they've got the same rights as I do" is his stance.
What I do think this -is- showing (or perhaps accelerating) is a Paleo/Neo-Conservative split in the American Right. Dr. Paul represents the Paleo-Conservative faction, which supports the rights of all people, of all faiths, to practice their religion because agree with them or not, that's America and that's called being an adult. William Normal Grigg, formerly of the John Birch Society, is another Paleo-Conservative supporter of this project. His latest column, "Is The Muslim My Neighbor?"* is an excellent defense of this position from a Christian perspective. Others, most notably the excreable Newt Gingrich, represent the Neo-Conservative faction which has always been if not explicitly racist, fairly explicitly anti-Muslim, a flavour of collectivism which Dr. Paul, Mr. Grigg, myself, and most other Paleo-Conservative/libertarian thinkers reject out of hand.