My big concern is this: what happens when a moderate young Muslim man, say college age kid, who's been attending the Cordoba House...has his car torched? Or gets beaten up? Is he going to listen to the moderates anymore? Or is he going to listen to the extremists who tell him "Of course they beat you up! Of course they burned your car! They're Infidels and Jews, kid, that's what Infidels and Jews -do-! They hate and kill Muslims! See? Look what they did to -you-! Didn't anybody tell you we're at WAR with these people?"
And the next thing you know, another Neo-Islamic Totalitarian Radical is borne. And guess what? This one -is- Americanized, this one speaks with no accent, this one has an intense personal grievance and a very good cover for whatever nastiness Usama et al decide he's best for.
And these anti-Mosque demonstrators will have nobody to blame but themselves and their more violent hangers-on for whatever that formerly moderate kid goes and does.