Originally Posted by filtherton
I'm pretty sure that the source has been cited multiple times.
If the poll was so flawed, perhaps you could point out exactly what its flaws were instead of attempting to cast doubt via vague criticisms that might not even apply to the poll in question.
I'm not making very many things vague, though perhaps they can be confusing in the manner and order in which I've addressed them.
I'll just state I agree with Perrin's (As.Pr. UNC) stance on this:
I think the reality is that false beliefs spread like gossip more than actual information.
False beliefs propagate when people think others believe them and when they have a supportive source that wants them to hold it.
Quote taken directly from Fugly's initial article.
And I meant to ask this beforehand, but it slipped my mind somewhere in-between, but I think it pertains more now than before.
I'll ask now: Fugly (and others), why are you getting so bent out of shape when others take the time to question and/or disagree with your initial take on this poll's validity and/or reason for existing (really, what purpose does this poll serve the greater)?
Sure, I can easily assume that the poll has absolutely no bias, and most of what it is telling us, is in fact, truth, but what good does it serve us to know this? Does it really my make my neighbors or your neighbors (every 1 in 5 of them) stupider than either me or you? Because they don't care to inherently know or learn or seek out what religion the current President adheres to? And this somehow hurts our nation's integrity because we now have more people confused at this point in time, than there was six months ago, in regards to the ultimate question of "Obama as a Muslim, or not"?
It just seems entirely nonsensical to see this as another passing irrelevant statistic, and moreso to actually engage in some high-and-mighty faux discussion on the merits to which it supposedly enlightens us to our own folly.