Originally Posted by Vaultboy
I switched off AI and manually controlled my whole party. I even disabled autoattack. Lots of pausing and switching, but it works much better.
Instead of trying to fix the AI, I would have preferred that they bring in the command-queuing system of KOTOR.
BTW, anyone play Awakening? I just never got into it. Is DA2 building on your DA1 char with or without the expansion?
I tried combat both ways: with and without Autoattack. It gets tiresome, but it is more effective to control the players yourself.
I'm glad you brought up the command-queue system from KotOR, because they moved that over to Mass Effect, which made it an effective combat system, even more so when improved in its sequel. And it reminded me of something my friend told me: they aim to use combat techniques from mass effect 2 for Dragon Age 2.
I recently played Awakening. I kind of ruined it for myself though. Just after it came out, my friend got all excited about it, and asked me to watch the ending of the Awakening with her, convincing me it wouldn't ruin anything.
Then last month when it was on sale I bought it for myself, and I should've known better, cause knowing the ending made the storyline so damn boring. All that was supposed to surprise me, and shock me in the end, I knew from the start. So it was lengthy back breaking work, not entertaining in the least.
As for the game sequel covering the expansion, I don't know. The sequel gameplay does span ten years, so who knows. I will say though, that not everyone bought the expansion, nor completed the game. I know people that played awakening without completing the original game. You can save your character whenever, and the choices they made will affect gameplay in DA2. So I'm gonna say its possible, but affects DA2 less.