I come across thousands of articles a day; most just by chance, and as a result of totally implausible network search queries, I uncover some truly mind-blowing pieces in nearly mediums of art, inquisitiveness, sporting, film, music and erotica. This is is one those of those instances. I try as hard as I can to share what I think is relevant or uplifting to most, but I still fail, daily, to post any more than a fraction (1.87%) of all that I actually "like" and find interesting. I try to save as much as I can for the next day, to see if I can recall a time and situation of where / when to feature, but for the most part, I'm inundated with new creative discoveries, which leaves me scrambling to catch up, explore, and what I believe is most important, to share the joy I initially found, with others.
To date: TFP is still really the only place where I share these quirks, ponderances, oddities and topical trivia of interests. I know it's unrealistic to expect to hear from very many of you that you appreciate what I bring forth, but I still keep trying amidst the unresponsiveness. How did this turn into an essay? I just wanted to post a little bit of nerdery, in the form of a neat article I never knew existed.
Anyway, skip all of the above if you wish, and vacate into knowledge here:
various artists :: Dexter's Laboratory - The Hip-Hop Experiment :: Rhino Records