Originally Posted by Wes Mantooth
I agree Cyn its unfair to generalize any group due to a few (or many) out spoken idiots. Conservatives aren't against the Mosque being built SOME conservatives (and liberals) are and they should be the ones held accountable not the entire group. This guilt by association crap that's so common in politics is BS, there isn't one giant conservative brain being shared by millions of people and many of them can and do disagree on issues like this. Most conservatives I know HATE Rush.
I don't think anyone can really say what conservatives want. There's just too many types of conservatives now to make a general statement as to their desires. Around the time of Reagan the GOP started melding social conservatives with fiscal conservatives and now we have so many voters who vote one issue it's impossible to really define the conservative movement. As you point out many conservatives seriously dislike Rush, other love him. Same with Palin. One thing they usually have in common is there's no way in hell they're voting for a Dem.
The same can be said for liberals to some degree. And the one thing they're not doing is vote GOP.
Which is why both parties do whatever they can to get independent voters. Which every way the Ind. votes swing so does the election, usually.