A good part of the blame for the outrage and indignation associated with the mosque lies firmly with the major polarising force in the world today... the internet. The ability to spout extreme opinions and to easily find others who agree with you is one of the major impacts of the web. Neo-nazis, white supremacists, radical Muslims, extreme fundamentalist Christians... all these groups can now find an audience for their opinions, and because of the activist nature of their leanings, their voices/websites/media exposure is far greater than their numbers merit.
The age of the silent majority is truly now. Most people just don't care, but you'll never hear that. They don't espouse their feelings from the rooftops as the extremists do.
I'm not against the mosque... Muslims did not attack the WTC... idiot terrorists who happened to be Muslims did.
The vast majority of Muslims subscribe to the tenet of peaceful co-existence that is a basic part of Mohammed's teachings. The vast majority of Christians subscribe to the basic teachings of Christ. Pick your religion... none of them are based on aggression towards others. What we are seeing today is that the fringe elements of any group can now make themselves appear MUCH more numerous than they actually are. I'm not giving up on society as a whole... but I [am MUCH more jaundiced about what I read in the media and on-line.
The secret to great marksmanship is deciding what the target was AFTER you've shot.