I did something bad today and didn't listen to your guys' advice as hard as I tried to. I just asked him to please not hang out with her every day and to make more guy friends if he can. To him, this was another one of my jealousies that I was bringing up AGAIN and he said he was burned out from always arguing with me. He thinks that us breaking up would probably even be good for the both of us but he doesn't want to lose me in his life. We're going to give it another chance even though he doesn't think my jealousy is going to go away. He told me that he's her only friend, she is a very good friend to him, and once again he is definitely not attracted. He said if he could make more friends he would and was like "Do you think I only want just one friend?" He claims he tried to make friends in his company in the Army but a lot of them for some reason don't want to hang out outside the unit.
Well, this was a huge wake up call. I'm starting to make him lose faith in our relationship. He told me he used to think our relationship was invincible and now it's being destroyed. I felt like I was losing him even though he was hanging on...I really felt like we were breaking up.
For months I did try to get over it, but I just couldn't...even though some days I did wake up and was okay with it...some days I weren't. I need to stay on that side of being okay with it and not letting it get to my relationship...I'm going to try my hardest because I feel like this is my last chance at making things okay because my bf says I'm always unhappy and that we argue too much. Sometimes, I think I'll need reassurance, and I'm hoping when I start to feel the insecurity, I would come here to re-read my posts and ask for more advice.
For those who are willing to help me, thank you.