Originally Posted by Xazy
It was Obama choice to get involved, the only real issue had to do with historic landmark, and zoning. Now it ends up another part of the space is owned by the MTA, which makes the issue slightly different. I am not against freedom of religion, and I think we all need to be tolerant. I do not want us to be a nation which the government should have any say over this even if as a PR stunt. The media has full rights to interview people and say whether they feel that it should be considering ramifications how the families of 9/11 victoms may react. And people have a right to protest as well, that is what freedom is. But our politicians leaders should stand up and say exactly that.
Well no shit, of course people have the right to protest but we have the obligation to call them on being dickheads when they do.
Newt Gingrich and Ginny Thomas (Clarence Thomas's wife) are speaking on behalf of Stop Islamization of America at a protest on 9/11