If it really is that bad, it's probably the single most disgusting thing to arise out of 9/11 since the push to go to war with Iraq. Way to use a tragedy to push for more tragedy. The last thing the right should be doing right now is alienate, marginalize, and otherwise demonize Muslims at home and abroad. Way to go. But if you can prey on the fear of your voters in such a way that will put you in power, then, hey, why not? That's politics. Besides, it's all about looking ahead. Someone has to keep the military industrial complex chugging along. Someone has to be The Enemy
my remark came from the juxtaposition of the three chunks of infotainment i happened across today---the politico piece about how encouraging reactionary fears of muslim people is now part of conservative strategy; the salon piece that traces the development of the particular canard this thread's based around, the "ground zero mosque" to a particular racist asshole conservative blogger, pamela geller; and the washington post article about the tea partiers gathered in the aridzona desert as a protest--400 of them---which shows you that the press is willing to cover almost ANYTHING the tea party does--but i remember a protest against the war in iraq in dc that drew over 2 million people that got less press than does a gathering of 400 neo-fascists in the fucking desert...
anyway, yeah. it's a problem, where the political situation is may be heading, and alot of that has to do with the political...um....problems that the right has encountered thanks to the realities their politics have contributed significantly to producing, coupled with the fact that they continue to attract big money from the same donors who funded the rise of the conservative media apparatus---so the corpse still twitches---and in an attempt to figure out a way to regain all-important market share and by extension traction, they're willing to get into bed with the ultra-right.
so these kind of wedge-political actions are, i suppose, to be expected.
but i think it could backfire in a number of ways.
the one that concerns me is that the right manages to gain ground in the midterm elections and entirely paralyze the obama administration. it's at that point where the chickens could begin to come home to roost. what i'm more hoping is that the jerk to the right alienates almost everyone but the extreme right and that conservative take the consequences of this shift into the jurassic regions straight in the face.
but we'll see.
it's a zany times....400 reactionaries in the arizona desert getting more coverage than 2 million opposing the iraq war in dc...zany times.