This is a picture of 16 year old Justin Bieber and his chubby starfucker friend driving around in a Lamborghini. Justin Bieber is a millionaire because Americans like to give him lots of money because they have no taste.
These are Tea Party activists. They're middle class Americans whose ignorance has made them incredibly mad. They don't like giving the government lots of money because instead of buying Lamborghinis the government spends it on dumb things like roads and the post office and stupid idiot social welfare programs like WIC. See if you can count how many of them are overweight and white.
Here we have some American soldiers in Iraq. They have a bunch of friends in Afghanistan. Nobody really knows why they're there anymore, but they definitely don't think them being there is a good idea. It's really weird because a few years ago everybody liked them being there. Not for any good reason, it's just fun to see us kick peoples asses... but not if it takes a long time. Either way, everyone agrees that we should come home. Is it because of the unnecessary death, destruction, and global animosity caused? You'd like to think so, but mostly it's because it's cost us a trillion dollars. We don't like when things cost us a trillion dollars.
This is the healthcare reform bill. It is also supposed to cost a trillion dollars. Despite decades of complaining about the ridiculous costs of health insurance and health care, people are somehow really really angry about the bill. That costs lots of taxes! Taxes suck! We are in the middle of a recession! Nobody wants to pay taxes to support some lowlife scumbag bums with no health insurance. They should work for it like the rest of us! If a man were dying of thirst I wouldn't give him a drink of water, that's for sure. He should have had his own water to begin with.
These are a bunch of unemployed people. They don't have jobs because we're in a recession, and therefore have no health insurance, because health insurance is primarily provided by the employer. If that old man in the foreground gets cancer it's going to cost him every penny he owns, virtually destroying his future.
When faced with problems that are hard to solve, it is best to blame immigrants. If there is a shortage of jobs, you can claim that they are sneaking into our country and stealing all the jobs from good citizens. If health care is expensive you can claim that it is because they are having ANCHOR BABIES (angrily yell that while spitting) which provides the families with free hospital services. If crime is high, it is because immigrants are shooting people in the face with guns and heroin and then escaping to Mexico. America clearly isn't safe because terrorists are sneaking across the border. The main reason this is all a real problem and definitely not a scapegoat or a distraction is because the federal government does not spend enough money and time securing the border. It's like they don't even try. Please spend more of your Monopoly money on border security but not on health care or economic reform.
So why is Justin Bieber a millionare? Because despite two simultaneous wars, a myriad of economic problems, watered down reform bills, and no real solutions in sight... your average Americans standard of living is nearly entirely unaffected. As angry as people are you'd think we would be living in an aluminum A-frame and eating sand for dinner. The reality of it is we've all got to go out and buy our 4g iPhones and $60 video games and order "funny" t-shirts on the internet. Despite all the crying we do about not having any money or jobs, the reality of it is that Americans own over 30% of the world's wealth. The average American household income is $46,000 a year, compared to $120 in Afghanistan.
We're giving millions of dollars to this guy....
Instead of these guys...
All I'm saying is I'm getting sick of Americans whining and getting mad about shit. Two Americans fucked and now you get to be one. That just makes you lucky; it doesn't put you above a guy from the Congo with scurvy and no education.
By the way, being angry and making a sign with a funny picture of Obama and emailing your family Jibjab videos doesn't make you productive or patriotic.
Give me a break, dipshits.