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Old 08-13-2010, 04:32 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Small Mistakes, Huge Consequences (Share Yours)

Preface: This forum has been good to me, and I haven't done much to add value to it in a while, which is why I created this thread. Hopefully some of you can learn from my mistakes, but I doubt many of you are as stupid to do the same things I have in my life.

There are decisions I've made that have been easy to make but have had huge negative consequences on my life. I've definitely had my share of dumbass moments that I hope you all can learn from. I'd also be interested in learning how you have forever negatively altered your life by making seemingly small mistakes. I do realize this thread could be named "Common Sense" but that is something I severely lack. Also, if I offend any of you by my opinions (especially abortion) I'm sorry, that's just my opinion. This is not so much a place to discuss the legitimacy of abortion or anything else, just to help other TFP'ers save their own asses.

1. Drinking And Driving
The first way I fucked up was when I got a DWI. Prior to this, I had a perfect record. So this is how it all went down. One night I decided to drive home after having one too many. I ditched my friends and just drove home (they would have stopped me, but I'm just that much of a dumbass). I was almost home and I decided that I would grab a burger before going to bed. I stopped by a fast food restaurant, went through the drive through, got some food, parked and ate. About a half hour, I hear a tapping on my window and realize there are some cops outside my car. I managed to pass out with food in my lap and left my car running. Long story short, I got arrested and things went down hill.

I would estimate the total cost to be around 15,000 of the whole thing. I had to hire a lawyer, pay my fines and much higher car insurance. Do you know how much it sucks to have to pay $1000 for 6 months of insurance on a car that's worth $4000? I also spent a night in jail and had to do 30 hours of community service. Also, no license for 3 whole months. The emotional toll was high as well. I was a pretty good kid, and when I told people about this, I was deeply ashamed. It was pretty bad. And while my license was still revoked, I had to always ask my friends for rides and felt like a huge burden. Anyway, deciding to drive after a night of drinking was a fairly small decision to make that has had a big effect on my life.

My advice is to have a cab service on your cell phone if you ever are in a situation where you need to get home and are too drunk to drive. If you do decide to go behind the wheel, there are some things you can do to unfuck yourself if you get pulled over. Now I don't at all condone driving while drunk, but if you're riding just on the limit, there are a few ways to limbo under.

-If you blow into a breathalizer and get taken to the station, you still have hope
-Take your one phone call and find a lawyer and talk to them for as long as possible (this will allow you more time to sober up)
-Then request a blood test instead of a breath test, assuming you don't have any illegal drug chemicals in your blood stream (this will allow you more time to sober up)

^This shit I learned from my lawyer, although consult your own before following any of this advice.

2. Unprotected Sex
This was my second super dumbass move that almost locked me into 18 years of parenthood and suckyness (the cost of this would outweigh my DWI many times over). I was at a party, had one too many, and had sex with my girlfriend. The worst part is that the elastic band on my underwear was wrapped under my cock in such a way that it significantly quickened my cumming. I'm not blaming it on my underwear, I would have came in her anyway that night, but it just made for a quick and lousy lay considering the result.

So it turns out my girlfriend got pregnant (despite taking a plan b pill within 12 hours) and wanted to keep the baby. I was pretty much completely fucked, luckily she had a miscarriage. Anyway, this one small decision came way to close to effing up my whole life. Some tips:

-Talk to your GF about pregnancy and where she stands on the issue. If she is very much against abortion, be super extra careful when you have sex
-Talk to your GF about her period and use an ovulation calendar. I used to think it was unmanly to know about periods and all of that, but it could have saved me a lot of trouble. Knowing about periods and ovulation can make it easier for you to decide when to have sex and not get fucked .
-Don't rely on the plan B pill, it didn't work for me within 12 hours.
-If you know you want your pregnant GF to get an abortion, force her into it as soon as possible. She will get very emotionally attached to that thing very quickly making it harder and harder to push an abortion on her. I can't believe I'm actually encouraging forcing your GF's to get abortions, but it's a small price to pay to not be responsible for a kid for 18 years.
Having Girl Problems?
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