Originally Posted by chelle21689
Is it even possible to be super close friends without romantic interest??
I'd like to answer this question in hopes of helping you face your jealousy.
Yes it is completely possible to be in this type of relationship. I do have a few very good female friends that I would really consider as sisters more than anything (not to mention they at least treat me better than my actual siblings do, but that's another story in it's entirety). I can't imagine actually dating nor having sex with them, as it would be more awkward than actually romantic. We just don't see each other in that point of light.
Another thing you could be missing that he actually has character and that these thoughts are just that, thoughts. They aren't what's actually going on, and you just need to learn to let it go. (I've been through something like this and I know how hard it can be to not be jealous).
Originally Posted by chelle21689
But I don't know what is keeping them from dating.
They are just not interested in each other that way. It happens, I've been there. Very good close friends, just not interested in dating nor sex. Once you can wrap your brain around that, letting go of that jealousy is a lot easier.