Originally Posted by chelle21689
Yeah, I don't know too much about that situation so oh well.
Anyways, I know I need to work on the jealousy part. But I don't know what is keeping them from dating. I noticed she is like a female version of my bf and I even asked my bf if they're a lot alike and he said yeah. Why wouldn't he want to date a girl that is attractive, makes him laugh, great personality, understands him, has the same army job as him, etc.? He tells me he isn't attracted to her in that way (I didn't ask him, he just told me on his own) but how can he not be, ya know?
Pretty friend, great personality, what's not to want? Someone tell me :P
Nobody wants to date a carbon copy of themselves. Best friends with someone just like you works out for the most part, but dating wise....ehhhh, not so much. It would be way too boring. Bottom line, he's with you, you're the one he wants to be with, over this person who you seem to find threatening in some way because he's such good friends with her. He's made the choice to be with you. That's it, and that's all. I'm male. The majority of my closest friends are female. Those friends are like sisters to me. If they needed a place to stay, they could crash at my place without any worries of anything ever happening. They know it, I know it, my girlfriend knows it. They'd get the bed, I'd crash on the floor or couch. If I were single we'd probably just share the bed...nothing more than that. Anyway around it, you've got nothing to worry about, especially with as much as he's communicating with you about what's going on. If there were something going on, he wouldn't be telling you about it. With as much as he's telling you, he has nothing to hide and isn't doing anything wrong. All in all, it's your problem and issues, not his. Sorry if that's a bit harsh, but men can be friends with women, and vice-versa without bumping uglies. When you know someone isn't right for you and that things would never work out romantically or sexually, there still remains the possibility for a valued friendship.