Well pretty much any mid to high end phone these days will have both microSD compatibility and any number of shells and covers ranging from ordinary plastic to carbon fiber and even some d3o, so that's not really something to be too concerned with when picking a phone.
I really would recommend picking based on carrier and THEN phone since if you pick the carrier you need you'll have a working system but if you go phone first you may not be able to actually use everything you get on the phone. At least thats if your carriers up there are anything like ours down here, some of ours can be right cheeky bastards.
As for learning more on them... down here the cellcos set up stations pretty much all over the place in malls and even have stores, so if you ask nicely and mention you're considering a new phone/contract they usually are willing to let you play with a few and see what you need. They care more about contract than handset so generally its in their best interest to at least help you get the right handset, even if they still want to screw you otherwise.
Originally Posted by Hectonkhyres
I'm imagining crazed dwarves doing profoundly weird things. Urist McNutcase has developed a compulsion to jam anything colored blue up his anus, or alternately other peoples anuses