David Crane, Governor Schwarzenegger’s top economic advisor, once told me that California could easily afford to give up blue-collar jobs in warehousing, manufacturing, or even business services because the state’s vaunted “creative economy” would find ways to replace the lost employment and income.
But, the article never touched on my initial question. I know that pirated mp3's, porn, and movies don't come close to the actual amount they would had sold for. But, if there had been a way for music, movie and porn companies to sell their product instead of fighting Napster, iMesh, eMule,and Bit Torrent for years and years (and if the users around the world would have supported it and paid for what they did want), how much money would have California raked in?
And I like the comparison of the unemployment rate during the DotCom craze, and now. Why didn't they look at the unemployment rate of gold prospectors between 1849 and 2010... or 1849 and 1859.