I didn't dodge a bullet, I dodged a nuclear bomb!
But yea, that's a good check list. I'll keep that in mind if I do plan to bump uglies again...
Edit: if anyone thinks i'm making this all up and am trolling you guys, here's some more details that only someone who's going through this would know. Ok, so last week her progesterone levels were very low. if you have declining progesterone levels, that means a miscarriage is imminent.
So she had some bleeding, which prompted her to go to the doctor, where she found out she had low progetsterone levels. she then went to the doctor a few days later to see if the levels went down. we didn't get the results until this past monday, which was also the same day she got the miscarriage.
graphic: she woke up with heavy bleeding and when she was on the toilet, a bloody glob was expelled from her body.
So yea, trust me i'm not trollin'. I've been a tpf'er for many years.