"Smart phones"
My cell phone bills are $120-$180 a month and I'm looking to get a smart phone purely because it will be so much cheaper in the long run. I need help choosing one because I am incredibly indecisive about spending my money.
Talking to a few people, from work, they recommended the Blackberry. Not too sure how awesome it is but my Fiance has one and it isn't too fun to play with.
I have an iTouch, I bought it thinking I could get an iPhone in the future and this is my "baby steps" to getting one. I like it and I think I'm a little weird with it because I've only really downloaded 4 apps onto it, compared to one friend I have that has over 75 apps. And I'm a little apprehensive because of the issues the iPhone 4 has had.
Now, a guy I did a job for, has the "top of the line" HTC and compared it to his iPhone and it has a bigger screen and the video he played for me looked amazing. He also recommended that Samsung came out with a Smart phone that is supposed to blow all the other smart phones out of the water.
I need help, basically my needs are something that I can play around with while I'm bored as hell at work, something that'll cut down on my bill because I can e-mail, BBM... etc other people at work to cut down on the calls. I also want to have something unique that not everyone has, although I do like the different outershell an iPhone can have. I need something tough because I'm an electrician and it needs to survive being on the worksite. I need something with alot of memory because I like having music/video around for long road trips/vacation/family fun time.
So if anyone can point me in the right direction, make some suggestions or basically kick my frugal ass into getting something that'll work for me... that'll be greatly appreciated.