Originally Posted by filtherton
Pan, as far as I can tell, the constitution doesn't provide for the abridgement of rights anywhere. So if a particular behavior or is constitutionally protected, it's protected everywhere. In my opinion geographical exceptions are a horrible idea.
Where am I saying it isn't protected? Please, show me how you get I am saying people somehow someway are having civil rights infringed upon. Because I went to great lengths to show compromise can be had, without the infringement of anyones rights.
If it is deemed that gay marriage is a human/civil right, then it isn't simply forcing the will of 1% of the population onto others; it's enforcing the same rights already afforded the rest of the population. That's how rights work.
Geographic exceptions are no better than class, race, or gender exceptions. Rights are rights. Hatred be damned.
Where did I say gay marriage wasn't protected, where? I said a state or a community should have the right to decide if they want to issue the license for it. I stated the state would recognize and protect their rights as a married couple, but the state doesn't have to issue the license. How is that hatred? How is that anything except compromise.
So, the Second Amendment allows me the right to bear arms. I want to carry 2 M-16's, 5 glock 9's and a grenade launcher in downtown San Francisco. I, constitutionally have that right. I'm not hurting anyone and if I am the excuse for inciting anything, not my fault. See I have the right to bear arms, people trying to stop me or showing fear and what not, well then they have the problem. Not me.