if the tea partiers were to be consistent they'd have a similar attitude about gun control.
but they don't.
so the fact is that you, pan, are drawn to the tea party in part because you have a Problem with gay marriage.
well, i have a Problem with localities not having the prerogative to regulate gun ownership as they see fit.
and the issue of gay marriage is a matter of equal protection under the law. it's about not allowing the far right to use the language of "morality" to justify discrimination. back in the day, your predecessors on the far right in the southeast justified other forms of discrimination on similar grounds.
the bailout package is a meme the tea party is using to distance itself from the mainline republican party. its the wedge that allows them to argue on economic policy grounds that the republicans aren't conservative enough. i think the bailout package was classically american conservative. talk populist but save the financial sector. and the military contractors.
the positions about "government intrusion" in the platform you copy above make no sense. what they're about is the dismantling of the redistributive state. in a severe economic situation, pulling back the state will be a disaster.
and there'd be more funds and programs for job creation if the republicans weren't blocking them all. so all this stuff about domestic jobs from the right is bullshit. you can't have it both ways: you either support job creation or you don't. you don't get to only support it if it happens when the right is in power.
a stronger military? the united states already spends more on military procurements etc. than the next 5 or so nation-states on the list combined. increasing military spending is the LAST thing the us needs. the tea party likes the repressive state.
"special interests" eliminated? how is the military and/or the military-industrial complex not a collection of "special interests"? why you'd almost think that the tea party is really about throwing up a smoke screen to prevent the dismantling of the national security state.
because the tea party people have no way to speak coherently about the reorganization of capitalism---so they cannot explain why their jobs are gone---their handlers turn them on the Others--the "ILLEGALS" and non-english speakers. and with this we go back to all the "real american" nonsense outlined earlier.
yeah, there is absolutely nothing on that list that i think even coherent in 2010 much less desirable.
i think the tea party is dangerous. i go back and forth about its ambitions, though. i think the organization backbone is what i outlined above. whether they're after the republican party or trying to make a third reactionary way, we'll have to see.
a gramophone its corrugated trumpet silver handle
spinning dog. such faithfulness it hear
it make you sick.
-kamau brathwaite
Last edited by roachboy; 08-10-2010 at 04:00 AM..