Originally Posted by FuglyStick
And there's the crux, Derwood. There are Tea Party members who support the party purely on the basis of the party's stance on fiscal issues. But the candidates' agenda is different--to promote their reactionary social policy. You can't get one without the other. A vote for a Tea Party member IS a vote for reactionary social policy, whether you have any interest in social policy or not.
And to some degree that is the problem. It's the Becks, Levines, and Hannitys that actually chase people away and work to make social policy in the Tea Party.
There truly is nothing wrong with the core beliefs:
Non-negotiable core beliefs:
Illegal Aliens Are Here illegally.
Pro-Domestic Employment Is Indispensable.
Stronger Military Is Essential.
Special Interests Eliminated.
Gun Ownership Is Sacred.
Government Must Be Downsized.
National Budget Must Be Balanced.
Deficit Spending Will End.
Bail-out And Stimulus Plans Are Illegal.
Reduce Personal Income Taxes A Must.
Reduce Business Income Taxes Is Mandatory.
Political Offices Available To Average Citizens.
Intrusive Government Stopped.
English As Core Language Is Required.
Traditional Family Values Are Encouraged.
Common Sense Constitutional
Conservative Self-Governance
One can't say it is pro business due to the fact that "Pro-Domestic Employment Is Indispensable." would mean bringing jobs back and increasing wages and benefits thus lowering the upper tier management income levels.
Bail-out And Stimulus Plans Are Illegal. This also affects the rich and upper echelons who got bailout and stimulus monies. Who were able to lower their tax debts 100,000's of dollars (just watch tv and see the commercials of the people), money they legitimately owed the government but obviously have not put back into the economy. Meanwhile, the people that owe a couple grand and live paycheck to paycheck are forced to pay plus interest.
The only thing as an old school liberal I have problems with and this is where the Hannity's Beck's and Levine's have destroyed the movement for me.. is "Traditional Family Values Are Encouraged."
Hannity and company, use this to hand pick who they will give air time to and support. That's all well and good, but traditional family values vary widely depending on religion, culture, beliefs, etc. My beliefs are I don't care if it is same sex or hetero parents, love and caring for the children and having them grow up as well adapted, productive members in society is all that matters and all that should. That in my belief comes from parents loving, interest and mentoring. The Tea Party wants to cut unnecessary spending and an intrusive government but then they allow talking heads "representing" them to use this to push forth their own policies which will lead to lawsuits, discriminations and more governmental regulations.
This one issue "core belief" is being so warped, IMHO, that it conflicts with a couple others.
I have long maintained that in this one issue it should be left to states, counties, townships/cities etc to decide what they want and the federal government by US Constitution have no right to dictate differently. Prop 8 is a good example... it's a state issue, the people voted federal court and our tax money have no business overturning or upholding a state issue. Period. If you like/dislike prop 8 work the state courts, get it back on the ballot, whatever... it is no not never a federal issue. Yet, for their own reasons both sides want to make it national.
You cannot nationally EVER legislate morals. it doesn't work and the framers of the Constitution knew this. You can't go to a heavy Catholic area and demand an abortion clinic... it's pushing your beliefs on someone else. Someone wants an abortion have them take a trip to where it is legal. If there is a portion of our country called "the Bible Belt" and they do not want to wish to have legalized same sex marriage and the majority vote that way, it's not for anyone in the federal government to go in and force same sex marriages. Get married in Mass, move to Ala. and live together it'll still work. Maybe have laws where the federal government forces businesses and insurance companies to recognize the union but don't "FORCE" a community to make it legal.
There in lies the biggest divider, everyone wants what they want and they want to demand everyone else no matter what state they are in must recognize and bow down to those wishes... and it is impossible to do without causing hatred, resentment and anger. You have to respect the voters, the communities and work on educating people not dictating to people.
But instead, we have both sides name calling, spewing hate and so ignorant in their own beliefs that they refuse to recognize there are other views and each has the same worth, to the person who has that view. When there can be common ground and respect had. Like I said forcing an abortion clinic in a heavily Catholic/Christian area is just forcing your will upon a group of people. Common sense dictates, if you want to go 3 counties over or to another state and have the abortion... cool. You're gay, you want to marry the community doesn't want to allow gay marriages to be performed , go to one that does and be done with it.
It's like dry counties, same principle. Every dry county, I know of, you can buy alcohol in another county and bring it into your home.
Anyway, that is how I see it. It's not the Tea Party is filled with hate. It's filled with the same talking heads the other 2 parties are preaching the same thing. That is, "fear". Fear of the people, the individual communities and the states opposing what values they want to shove down everyone else's throats.
You get rid of dictating morals nationally and give those rights back to the people, I think you'll see a huge change in this country. I believe it will be more accepting of others and we'll see more compromise in issues such as fiscal responsibilities, foreign policy, worker's rights, and so on.
The people I personally KNOW in the Tea Party feel very similar to the way I do, but they also know that without some national media and voice hence, Hannity/Beck/Levine... it won't grow. They are willing to make some sacrifice (which I think is too big of one) to have that national media platform.
I can almost guarantee the Tea Party candidates that are close to saying what I just did will have far better showings in their elections than most of the hand picked Hannity/Beck/Levine hand picked candidates.