-+-{Important TFP Staff Message}-+- Enough is enough. This thread is an embarrassment between the threadjacks, personal attacks and half-assed jokes that fell flat. If you think I might be talking about you, let me remove any doubt - I am. And you're the problem here.
From this post on, if you do not discuss the topic AS STATED IN THE ORIGINAL POST, you'll earn points. No warning, no discussion. All staff are providing their personal opinions and are not using their staff positions to lend weight to those opinons or to detract from an opposing view. If you think that is the case from here on out, notify me personally.
I think that everyone on both ends of the spectrum knows that I care less about opinions than behavior. Either have a respectful discussion or be prepared to take a vacation from TFP. Err on the side of polite. If you can't do that, then hit your back button. If you can't do THAT, we'll discuss it when you get back. |
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - B. Franklin
"There ought to be limits to freedom." - George W. Bush
"We have met the enemy and he is us." - Pogo