Originally Posted by roachboy
yeah, see i don't really get all the harumph harumph we are not racists "outrage" from folk sympathetic to the tea party above. it is self-evident that the movement is open to the whole spectrum of rightwing-to-ultra rightwing groups and people and that anyone--at all--was welcome by the non-center when they were useful as bodies for tea party astroturf events. astroturf because there's also little doubt that the sweetheart coverage provided the ultra-right by those fine impresarios of reaction at fox news played a big role in creating the tea party.
The tea party is an organization with open membership like just about any other political group. So you get a few crazies from time to time.
Your claim that the tea party is racist, bigoted, or whatever makes no more sense than my claiming that the pro gay rights people are violent based on the couple links I posted earlier about some lunatics in the anti-proposition 8 group making death threats.
Denounce the lunatics for what they are but don't label the entire group because of a few wackos.