Originally Posted by Tully Mars
So let me see if I understand. Drug dealers? Execute them. Illegals, buy'em a bus ticket and tighten our borders. Poor people who have problems buying food and medicine, fuck'em they're not paying their fair share. And American made products are crap so I'm not buying them, the people that make them are lazy jack wads... don't care about them.
Did I miss anything?
Not exactly. What I've observed from various news reports is that drug addiction tends to result in higher crime rates including violent crime since the addicts steal property to support their habit. I'm not particularly fond of the idea of crack, heroin, meth, etc addicts roaming my neighborhood because we abandoned the fight against drugs.
You specifically pointed out the auto bailout. My response to that was that they, not American workers in general, brought this upon themselves because they were unable to build a marketable product. Employees get part of the blame for this too, thanks to the UAW and it's insistence on unreasonable pay, benefits and working conditions.
After several cars made by those companies that turned out to be junk, I'm unwilling to spend my own money to make a $20K or so bet that they have their act together now when I know I can buy other brands and expect good results.
I'm quite willing to buy American made product when it's a quality product. I'm not going to buy junk just because it has an American flag on it.
Originally Posted by Tully Mars
So since drugs have a negative effect on society why not get rid of all negative effects on society? I mean as long as you're going to go all big brother on druggies why not go after alcohol and trans fats? I mean it seems kind of counter productive to your smaller government theme but what the heck. Bar tenders and bar owners... up against this wall please. Own a McDonalds? Join the bar owners and bartenders.
Other problems don't have the same effect on society. I haven't heard of too many cases where people mugged someone because they couldn't get a Big Mac.
Originally Posted by Tully Mars
Here illegally? Here the big government, that I rail against, is going to get bigger so we can by you a bus ticket home. Get out of the country and don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
How is this going to significantly increase the size of the government? We have a border patrol now. Let them do their jobs. We also have military now that can assist with protecting the border. I've noted before that Mexico seems to have no problem with enforcing its borders. If Mexico can do it, why can't we?