the tea party is a straight-forward populist neo-fascist movement.
what structures--or appears to---alot of the various (incoherent) things that the tea partiers are freaked out about is some imaginary natural order of things which they for some reason in the main seem to imagine achieves its best expression alongside a captialism that has never existed outside the tiresome fantasies of the free-marketeers.
they like the repressive state because it keeps people in their place.
they hate the redistributive state because, in the tiny shared world of the tea party, the redistrrbutive state takes your shit and gives it to people who deserve it less than you with the result that those people get all uppity.
uppity people further victimize the white petit bourgeois, the ultimate victim of all things modern. judging from the teapartying, this demographic is told that they imagine things would be hunky dory if only if only the bad redistributive state would stop taking their shit. that way the state could go away, unless you need it or like what it does--but hey, coherence isn't at a real premium here, it's all touchy-feely kinda inverted hopey-changey shit: we don't want hope, we don't want change---we want the modern world to go away. and stop taking our shit. and stop encouraging all this uppitness on the part of people who naturally are less than us. you know, less virtuous, less authentic, less American.
is this racist? well, it's an underlying structure behind almost all racisms so it's implicitly racist at every turn--but its not necessarily explicitly so.
whence the Outrage of the folk above who skate along the edges of this nasty unpleasant neo-fascist discourse and get all Outraged when they are called out on it.
they doth protest too much.
a gramophone its corrugated trumpet silver handle
spinning dog. such faithfulness it hear
it make you sick.
-kamau brathwaite