Originally Posted by dogzilla
No. Most of the countries on that list are in Europe. Considering the history of Europe over the last 2000 years I wouldn't use Europe as a model of success for anything. I certainly would not view the socialist state model in Europe as a success at all.
The only country on that list that I've seen as a credible economic competitor to the US in the last 40 years is Japan, and Japan's tax rates are lower than US tax rates.
Seriously? Japan's problems with national debt are far worse than that of the U.S.
Japan's debt is 192% of GDP (2009), whereas the U.S. national debt is sitting at approximately 91% (2010).
The IMF is expecting Japan's debt to hit 250% of GDP by 2015. The IMF's proposed solution for Japan? Increase their consumption tax by 5%.
Just to put that into perspective for you, that would be the equivalent of a U.S. public debt of $25.6 trillion instead of $13.3 trillion. So using GDP as a metric, for the U.S. to be in as bad shape as Japan, the national debt
would have to nearly double.
Japan's hardly a model to follow.
GDP vs National Debt by Country
And why would you use 2,000 years of European history to consider a contemporary economic environment? And which socialist model are you talking about?