Originally Posted by dogzilla
Federal revenue is in the range of $2.5 trillion. If the federal deficit jumps from $400 billion to over $1 trillion, that's a huge step in the wrong direction.
And when was it at 400 billion and when did it jump to 1.3 trillion? Who was in charge when that happened? Fiscal conservatives have become an oxymoron. Every time they've had their hand on the checkbook the debt and deficit has increased. Well I think Bush Sr. made solid efforts to keep that from happening, he might have been more level headed. But basically conservatism has become a huge joke, a con pulled on the US tax payer. It's probably best Goldwater is dead, I have no doubt would have a stroke if he saw what has become of his movement.
Originally Posted by dogzilla
If we do nothing other than cut spending severely, and bring the deficit down, with the goal within a few years to return to surpluses and stay there, that will help solve the long term debt problem.
Ok I'll listen. Tell me what are you going to cut. Where and how much? How are you going to make up for what's already been spent. Most of the talk I've heard on this has been pure fantasy. Hey we'll cut spending and get rid of the fat and we'll all live happily every after. I have yet to hear/read one of these plans that will actually address the huge problems the US is facing. All have been a kin to having a car with three flat tires and deciding the best way to fix that funny noise it's making is it tear apart the dash. Sorry no easy fixes to this mess. No, dressing up like Ben Franklin ring a bell and yelling "no more taxes" will not fix this problem. Chanting "drill baby, drill" won't help either. It a complicated problem and all the real solutions require difficult decisions. Any real solution is almost undoubtedly, at this point, going hurt everyone some how. The neo-cons and the so called fiscal conservatives have left a great big shit sandwich on the table and I hate to say it but we're all going to have to take a bite.
Originally Posted by dogzilla
If we get a significant percentage of the freeloaders that do not pay income taxes, currently in the range of 46% of the US population, then those of us who do pay taxes can have our taxes reduced since more people are paying their share.
I refuse to see my fellow Americans as free loaders, sorry. Just doesn't wash with what I know of them. Sure to can find some jack wad working the system. But I think by far most Americans are hard working honest people just trying their best in life. I'm more inclined to believe those not pulling their weight are trust fund baby who've been allowed to inherit fortunes tax free. In 2010 with the debt racing for the toilet the estate tax will be -0-. So if you're going to get 40 billion you'll get the whole thing free and clear. You won't have to worry about only having 20-30 billion. Lucky you.
As Seaver points out above, year after year the upper 10% have managed to get more and more while the rest of the country is struggling to stay above water. The idea that America is half full of free loaders is actually kind of offensive if you ask me.
Originally Posted by dogzilla
I learned years ago that I cannot continually borrow money and borrow my way to prosperity. Neither can Obama.
Sure wish Bush and the neo-cons would have figure this out when you did. Might not be in this huge mess if they had.