Originally Posted by pan6467
This is just such a fucking miscaricature it's pathetic.
Pathetic is defending bigots. Every single Tea party I've personally been to as well as countless images from all of the Tea Parties tell a tale not even you can spin. They're people united by fear and hatred. All the lies and false comparisons in the world can't change that. Deal with it.
Originally Posted by pan6467
But it's ok if Willravel categorizes a group of people as hatemongering ultra right wing nuts.
I don't need to categorize anyone as anything, they do it themselves. Remember Mark Williams, one of the few actual leaders in the Tea Party movement? If you don't, google him. It not that a few bad apples in the Tea Party are racist, it's that a lot of them show up to every single rally and no one at the rallies EVER asks them to leave or disagrees with them.
Originally Posted by pan6467
As one who likes what the Tea Party stands for in principle...
Which is?
Originally Posted by pan6467
They see Marie Antoinette... err Michelle Obama taking trips while millions are losing everything. They see billions of our tax dollars going overseas but then social services here being cut and taxes going up.
What specifically has Michelle Obama done that's in any way like the characterization of Marie Antoinette? Don't ignore this, I don't like hit-and-run comments like this. If I called Laura Bush an ignorant dilettante, I'd have backed it up so be prepared to do the same.
Originally Posted by pan6467
Why does the press seem to want to just show the negative very minute minority, and not show the signs that demonstrate what they truly stand for.
Why do you so obstinately ignore the obvious? How deep-seated is your cognitive dissonance? These signs are THE NORM. They're at all the rallies and they're never asked to leave. All you're doing by defending them is showing your unabashed bias.
Edit: Sorry, I know I keep editing these after posting them, but I have more to say.
In Philadelphia a week or so ago, there was a 'UniTea' event, a Tea party affiliated event that was supposed to demonstrate the racial diversity of the Tea Party. Guess how many people showed up? Less than 200, including about a dozen media. And almost all of them were white.