Originally Posted by dogzilla
So if he stated "The Iraq War started under the Bush Admin" would he be blaming Bush or merely stating fact?
Wait, you're loosing me. a few short posts ago it was...
But it's not a very good return on the hundreds of billions of dollars Obama wasted on his so called stimulus programs.
And now it's...
Wikipedia, for what it's worth has an article about the TARP with repayments
The first few articles in this google search seem to tell a generally positive repayment story
So do this think TARP was not a very good return or do you think it's being repaid nicely?
Originally Posted by dogzilla
As far as deficits, Bush's deficits were pretty much in the $400 billion range except for 2008, and Obama's have been well over $1 trillion for the last couple years and not projected to decline below $1 trillion for a few years. Obama's going to end up well past the $7.5 trillion addition to the debt he was worried about. Causes for the economic problems? I've seen a lot of debate on that with explanations of too many people taking out home equity loans, second mortgages and signing for questionable loans. All of that activity pushed up demand for real estate and put a lot of money into the economy that would be 'paid back later'. So I'm not convinced the crash is entirely due to corporate greed. Individual borrower greed and stupidity had a lot to do with it too. I think the crash has affected people's willingness to live on money they don't have and that we will have a fundamentally smaller economy for years to come. Artificially spiking the economy with government giveaway programs like Obama did aren't going to do much long term.
And even though Bush/Cheney started the bail outs you think they would have stopped before diving in full bore? Doesn't sound like the Bush Admin I knew. The guy never admitted a mistake and, to my knowledge, never changed course.
Originally Posted by dogzilla
As far as an individual being able to spook investors, Obama has managed to do that twice now. First, when he took office, the DJIA was in the 8200 range. Obama was making negative statements about the economy and by the beginning of March the DJIA was around 6200. He did it again, back in the early days of the BP oil spill, where he made comments about punishing BP, causing the share price to tank and causing a minor international incident.
And when the Dow was over 14K what did Bush do to make it drop nearly in half to the 8200 Obama inherited? I mean if Obama managed to 'spook" it down 2000pts Bush must of scared the living shit out if it to make it drop over 6,000pts, right?
BTW- I can't find it now but in trying to quote you and respond I fell like a butchered your post somewhere and now can not find it. If it is or it appears I've edited you somewhere so as to take you out of context, feel free to call me on it. I'm tried.