Originally Posted by The_Jazz
Wes, I've actually got contact information for a bunch of folks at Comcast if you ever need it. Well, I don't HAVE it, but I know where to find it. Sounds like you needed the Executive Service folks since the trained monkeys weren't so helpful.
Thanks I actually could use it, what I wrote above is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to dealing with Comcast (wished I had noticed this was bumped I didn't see your response until now). I wont go into details but outages for REALLY long stretches, channels fading in and out/freezing, subscription channels blocked out, ppv movies on my bill that I didn't order...yeah you get the idea. I've been thinking of going Direct TV but I hear just as many horror stories...man cable/satellite companies suck.
I actually worked at a call center for Microsoft billing (the stories I could relate about that) back in the day, I know just how pointless it is trying to get anything resolved calling customer service yet for some odd reason I keep trying.