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Old 08-02-2010, 08:27 PM   #4 (permalink)
immoral minority
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Location: Back in Ohio
Originally Posted by robot_parade View Post
I can't see any kind of scheme or conspiracy of not spending money...sounds a little too much like a randian fantasy.

OTOH, I haven't seen any of these headlines 'attacking the rich' for not spending enough. Maybe I don't read enough left-wing propaganda.
The movie is coming out next year, and it will introduce more people to the idea that if you put the powerful in charge, you lives will be decent. If you go against their will, they will take their toys and play elsewhere seemingly leaving you with less. In reality, you would probably get more small businesses starting up to fill the void from the powerful monopolies if it was easy to get into that market.

And it's not just the rich, people are saving move in general, and getting out of debt. These are good things.
the new normal americans cutting back even if they don't have to: Tech Ticker, Yahoo! Finance

I guess my real issue with the media is that all they know how to do is ask questions of supposedly 'smart' people that study these things (and hopefully aren't paid off or bribed to sway one way or another). But they don't really educate anybody on what these stats mean, or how a policy will impact different people.
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