Originally Posted by Jozrael
1: How did you know your Elo before? I know a lot of people (not saying you included) thought they were 'high-mid Elo' (so much so that it's kind of a derogatory catchphrase on the forums by now and are finding out that they aren't able to achieve as high a ranking as they thought now that Elos are public.
2: Imo, play hard carries early on. Don't play tanks/supporters until you're in an Elo level that it becomes necessary. At somewhat low Elos where people are more likely to be much worse, it's necessary for you to be the pivotal player each game.
1. Your normal game Elo is flat out given in log files now. Just play 1 normal match, check your log files, GG. I checked yours -- it's like 1650.

Mine was 1700+ when I checked it, Grooverut (the guy I play with almost always) was nearly the same. I used to be +55 wins and now I'm only +45ish so my Elo could have been close to 1800+ at one point. I also looked up every single person I've been regularly queuing with in the past 6 months and almost none of them were above 1300 in normal games. This would explain why my win ratio decreased with them -- I WAS actually better than them, they honestly were bringing me down.
2. Hard carries only carry when they get kills, and you can only get kills with decent teammates. I guess I could try playing Trist every match though.