You are in the prime years to find somebody and perhaps later settle down. Time is ticking and he is wasting it, you should not.
You already seem to know that this guy is self-destructive and bad news.
The question is:
Are you the type that wants a person like that, to fulfill your own needs of taking care of a self destructive dramatic person and have excitement.
Are you the type who wants a normal (and sometimes boring) and stable person you can invest in and not worry about?
Nobody wants to let go of what they HAVE for the UNKNOWN. But really, in this case, take the unknown future. Trust us, move on and be strong.
It will be ok to look back and reflect emotionally, but don't GO back. We all have baggage and past relationships to stew over and I think you will keep stewing on it until one day you find happiness in something or somebody else.
Regardless, press forward, smile and live life, there is no other way.