Originally Posted by roachboy
gee lindy, i'm wicked sorry i transposed the percentage of the african-american male population that's incacerated onto the general population.
Transposed percentage?

No. Mere transposition does not change a statistic by a factor of .463 (or 21.6 if you go the other direction...) Not even neo-marxo math works that way. The most recent figures I could find show black males incarcerated at a rate of 4,630 per 100,000 of the African-American population. The correct percentage (4.63%) is less than half of even the figure you state in your retreat from the wildly overstated first assertion.
United States - Punishment and Prejudice: Racial Disparities in the War on Drugs
see also
Race and Prison | Drug War Facts
and i sure did deserve that little rant of yours.
Hardly a rant. I was correcting an egregious misstatement of fact. You're just pissed that somebody called you on it. I attempted a little humor by mocking your posting style, did you not like that? Do you like to dish it out, but not like it when it gets thrown back at you?
never make a mistake in a post, lindy.
i'll be waiting.
How typical! Send me off to the gulag, never to be heard from again.
If my little post was a rant, this sure looks like a threat. And from a TFP Super Moderator even.

Is it appropriate to ask who will watch the watchers?
There's a mistake in this thread. Can anyone find it?
Edit: Oops! I mean that there's a mistake in this post. Can anyone find it?