Nope, just the explanation committee on my hot date for you and Tully.
So Daddy (my boyfriend, Master, Owner) is a fabulous sadist. He tied me to a St. Andrew's cross last night in one of our favorite play spaces (a sex club with a dungeon in it), facing out, and just wearing a pair of jeans that had a hole in them. He then took His 14" knife and proceeded to cut the jeans off me, piece by piece, shred by shred. He thoroughly enjoyed Himself, took His time, and this one was a mix of fascinated, curious, and laughing, with gasps when He would poke me with the tip (on purpose).
He then sat me down and proceeded to poke 22 gauge needles into my boobies. We like doing 18s as well, as we can put 20 gauge sterilized wires through the needles and decorate them (see the picture on my profile as an example). But we stuck with 22s last night.
All of this was after He used a roll of cling wrap (like you use for moving) and strapped me to this bench type cross thing (no idea what it's called, but it looks like
this, just not adjustable), where my arms were spread out, legs were spread wide, and all parts were bound to this contraption with the cling wrap, including my head (eyes and mouth covered, just nose left open)... He then put clothespins on sensitive parts, let them settle in for a bit, and ripped them off... i scream whenever He does this. He loves cutting the cling wrap off with his pocket knife, and always leaves me with a scratch between my breasts from this... a great little memory, along with the bruises from the needles where He likes to be vicious pulling them out.