Truth be told I've been to busy over the last year or two to pay attention to politics like I should (really need to get back into it) so I'm not very well versed on the platform of the tea party. However living in a red state I do often run across people who affiliate with it and talking to them I find there seems to be a split on social issues. Keep in mind this is small sample size but from I've found some have the typical Republican stance on social issues while others seem to take a more Libertarian view.
Both just seem to be burned out on the Republican party and want something better/different. Yet the organization is so new it lacks any kind of real leadership it just hasn't been properly defined yet instead surviving more on disgruntled Republicans with a hodgepodge of different ideas ranging from the extreme to very moderate. From what I've gathered they seem a little like the Democrats who jumped ship for Ralph Nader back in the day, you wound up with a group consisting of hardcore Green Party members mixed with disillusioned Democrats who all had different ideas about what they wanted out of a third party.
Of course we all remember what happened there, the left wing votes were split and arguably helped Bush win the will the same be true in 2012 for the right? Sorry, got off topic there.
Anyway I think I'm finding that its just a massive group full of varying ideas who happened to be united by simply being on the right of most issues. It will be interesting to see what they could do if they get their shit together, not that I'd necessarily support them (really depends on how they define themselves) but third parties always fascinate me.
“My god I must have missed it...its hell down here!”