It seems like the Republicans lost in 2008 based in part on the social agenda that the nation didn't agree with. But, now the Tea Party has found traction with the fiscal conservatives (I think that they have a valid concern), but is being used as a front by the strong social conservatives to get into power once again.
So, is it written anyplace where the tea party movement stands on the environment, guns, abortion, gay marriage, immigration (both legal and guest workers), drug policy, and other social issues? (A few of the basics are here
About us :: , but how will they deal with the consequences of less tax revenue and more guns. I fear it will look like Northern Mexico on their bad days)
Going by what the right-wing radio guys are talking about, it is pretty much an anti-Obama, anti-democrat, anti-liberal agenda. Yet, I can't find any central list of where their platform stands. And the Contract From America only shows that they are against taxes on pollution, which I would rather see a cap policy (rations) and high gas taxes until we are 100% off imported oil. Getting foreign oil is causing too many problems, and those costs aren't being burden by the people using it.
I think a Green Tea Party with fiscal policies to reduce our debt by producing energy here rather than importing it (using a large percentage of renewable power), promoting abortion for couples who aren't ready (and it makes better financial sense), promoting a separation of church and state, you can keep your guns (but it doesn't make you special), getting and keeping people healthy to reduce costs, and a balanced budget at both the Federal, state, and local levels (without having the states undercut each other to promise lower taxes on corporations if they move their business there).