Let us discuss: THE HIDDEN WHORE
There are some that say that whoritry is a sin, but I say unto thee, my brethren, that whoritry is no sin, but the very nature of woman! Amen?
Indeed bretheren, heed the word of The Messenger of The Fuck™ when I say unto thee that it is HIDDEN whoritry that is the transgression!
Misery is the just and certain reward of every slitch who doth hide her sins of whoritry commited in thought, word, or deed. But what is misery?
O Blessed Misery delivered unto a slitch by the righteous sermon of he that preacheth The Fuck™! The misery of the whore at its most blessed is a creation of a void or a hole, if you will, in the soul of a whore. . .a hole filled with remorse and regret. A hole created with pain and punishment, Yea, a hole dug deep as the preacher follows the way of the Cornerstones of The Fuck™, verily those blessed Cornerstones of Punishment. . .Atonement. . .Humiliation. . .Misery, that have been spoken of before and guide the every action of those who TRULY follow the dark path!
For what is a whore, but an instrument by which The Fuck™ may be preached? O wretched whore! Thou sinner! And of thy whoritries you have brought forth thy own retribution, your own Punishment. . .Your own Atonement. . .Your own Humiliation, and Your own Misery!
Yea, may thy soul be darkened by he that preacheth The Fuck™, that you may learn of thy true nature and thy whoritry no longer be hidden from thyself or from others, or if it remains hidden, that thy state become a state of self-tormenting anguish, arising from the knowledge gained of the forfeiture of thy place among the few women of worth, and the knowledge that thy estate shall never be among them. That the truth of The Fuck™ shall reveal thy whoritries unto thee and in this unhappy state may you forever continue.
O whore, reveal thyself and submit to thy penance before the righteousness of The Fuck™!