I'm losing faith in humanity reading this thread.
All I am pointing out is:
1) If you have sex, there's a chance you might have a baby
2) Abortion can be an option but it's not always an easy one - it wasn't in my case
3) If she has decided to go to term you have to respect that - don't try and persuade her into anything
4) Support her as best you can but if you don't want to be with her, be there for the child but end the relationship
What often troubles me is the sheer amount of boys that simply seem to think that you can go through life and this is never a possibility - it's not all fun, games and fucking - there are consequences that neither person can foresee. I feel some very latent misogyny around here in ,some of the replies but perhaps I am just not in a funny mood.
It's not about 'manning up' that's equally sexist rubbish, it's about being a decent human being, supporting the girl you chose to be with, and helping her through this either as a friend or partner.
You're not the first, you won't be the last- it's not the end of your life so calm down.
All I was saying in my earlier post was that for me, and many of my friends - it wasn't easy to abort so get that right out of your head and deal with the person in front of you and help them.
"We make a living by what we get but we make a life by what we give"
Winston Churchill