Originally Posted by Tully Mars
I wonder where this will lead. If a dutch cartoon can create a landslide of furor for portraying Muhammad what the heck will the fringe side of Islam be in response be for burning their holy book? I don't foresee nice things.
Oh, the Lovey Doveys will probably get what they want: their brother fringe right Muslims will respond in kind by lashing out at what Western Christians value, or they will play into fringe right Muslim tactics such as calling for blood and beheadings.
It's all very predictable, which makes it both tiresome and maddening.
I really don't know what the Lovey Doveys hope to accomplish other than to whack at the hornet's nest of hatred.
It's basically an exchange of hate for hate, and as we know these things go in vicious cycles. How can people be so blind? These people don't only hate "the other"; they also must hate themselves to do such things.
It's all very sad.