Let us discuss: TRUTH
In court, the question is always asked of witnesses, "Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?"
But what is truth?
The truth is that which remains despite belief of disbelief.
In the preaching of The Fuck™ the question of what is truth must be foremost in our minds. This approach to The Fuck™ will help one discover truth; it will help keep our minds open and receptive toward the truth. It will also keep us in persistent search for the truth. For it is just as important that we understand the truth about ourselves as it is that we bring the truth to those we preach to, be it brother or whore.
Often, I have been told by my brothers, the first time they read the words of The Fuck™ they dismissed or ridiculed them, but later as I continued to preach, they came to ask "Is it the truth?" And it was only through their further pursuit of the truth, by their questions to me, that they came to move beyond the ridicule and oppression of The Fuck™ to the acceptance of the truth of it. And by that acceptance, they also accepted the obligation to be truthful as well. . .both to themselves and to the whores they preach unto. For if The Fuck™ is anything, it is truth itself!
To properly preach The Fuck™ beyond its barest outlines, he that accepts the truth of it must first take a hard look into the mirror and seek his weaknesses and admit them to himself. If during the process of preaching The Fuck™, you will be examining the information at hand about the whore you have chosen and seeking weaknesses to exploit, how can this be accomplished if you cannot learn the truth about yourself first?
THOU HYPOCRITE! Learn the truth! Be not like the whore and keep it unto thyself!
But is it the whole truth?
One can know some truth without knowing the whole truth. A witness in a courtroom can tell the truth without revealing the whole truth. Although you may come to know the truth of a thing, that does not necessarily mean that truth must always be revealed. A great contradicktion of preaching The Fuck™ is that although it is the very essence of truth, a large part of the preaching of it is based on deception. How then to reconcile this? How to justify a philosophy of brutal truth that is implemented through the liberal use of lies?
The difference rests in the nature of the truths we seek, the nature of the truths to be revealed, and the uses of both. The truths we seek in ourselves are used to realize our weaknesses that they may be turned into advantage, that a whore will not be able to use a truth you already are well aware of against you. For example, if I have already accepted the truth that I am not a very good-looking guy, then why would I be 'insulted' when somebody tries to point this out? I already fucking know, thank you. I use my plain looks to my advantage in that whores do not expect anything bad from such a drab fellow as myself.
The truth about yourself is defense against attack. The truths to be revealed are that of the whore. If her whoritry lies in vanity, then the truth of her vanity and how you have used it is that which is revealed. How you came to find this truth is not necessary to the revelation of it, and she need not ever know the truth of The Fuck™ and how you have used the knowledge gained to come to the place where she finds herself on the receiving end of a righteous sermon.
Is it nothing but the truth?
This question implies the possibility of distorting and destroying the truth by mixing it with error. A witness in court could tell the whole truth, but mislead the jury by the addition of one simple fact. The truth is easily polluted and perverted. This is the way of the man-bitch, he who speaks with the black tongue of the Anti-Fuck™. He who has joined the whore in battle against us by saying that we are wrong, and using distorted truth in the convincing thereof. It is he who seeks to keep the truth of The Fuck™ hidden from you. It is he who desires that, like him, all men be bound in servitude by the chains of the whore. It is he who seeks to pull firmly over your eyes the panties of the stootch, that your mind be clouded and your eyes be blinded to the truth! For like the whore, he seeks to hide truth rather than reveal it. This, my brothers is the eternal conflict between the preacher and the whore. . .The Fuck™ and The Anti-Fuck™.
The opposition between revealing truth and hiding it is at the very center of the battles we fight. Listen not to the words of the whore that proceedeth forth from the mouth of he that preaches The Anti-Fuck™! Use the knowledge of The Fuck™ in the discernment of the truth!
Do we as brothers of The Fuck™ seek the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? Do we as preachers of The Fuck™ live the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? Preachers, do we preach the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? And further, do we practice as we preach?
Regard not the truth as PART of The Fuck™, my bretheren. Instead, regard The Fuck™ AS the truth!
Blessings of The Fuck™ be upon you. May you understand and seek the truth of The Fuck™, and may your slitches be many and tight.