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Old 07-30-2010, 08:02 PM   #64 (permalink)
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Location: My House
Age is only a problem when the younger one is 17 or younger, period. When a young girl or boy is initiated into the realms of sex at an age where he/she is not prepared to take the responsibility of life without the knowledge of living it outside of being some older creeps sexual object, then instead of creating a being who understands their own sexuality as theirs, you end up creating a sexuality that always seems to belong to someone else. Most girls of the age 17 and less are more then willing to try and make a man happy, it is what they are taught by society and the whole princess fairytale, young girls are vulnerable to older men, especially older men who know how to disguise abuse in "it feels good", once a girl turns 18, age no longer holds the stigma for me of abuse, but anything younger than 18, especially younger than 16 to me is ICK, unless we are talking of two 17 year olds, two 16 year olds or two 15 year olds etc.... When a human body is sexed, it is like turning on a switch that cannot be turned off, if that switch is activated at too young of an age the initiation of the sexual sensations elevate with age and distort the ownership of the physical awareness’ into it belonging to somebody other than its keeper. Instead of having sex because it feels good to you and the relationship feels right and loving, a young girl will have sex to fulfill that need that has been created from the inappropriate desire to feel that “good” again; the stimulation of sex becomes less of an owned experience of love and more a necessity of a “drugs” high as well as the need to “make” happy the other person more so than the "child".

Any person over the age of 18 who knowingly and willingly seeks out the attention of a child 16 years of age or younger is devoid of maturity and is a molester of innocence, it really is that simple. Any girl who seeks out the attentions of a man over 21 at the age of 16 or less has already been initiated into the realms of sexuality (in some form) and is seeking a fix for her body and/or mind and has grown to enjoy and hunger for the results of said attention, be it physical or mental, so all those of you who say it is o.k. for older man to have sex with a minor because people mature at different levels are simply making excuses for sexual abuse of minors, if the relationship is a valid one than the older person should allow the younger person to mature and develop a sexual identity of their own BEFORE they assume one for them. I am speaking only of minor ages here, 17, 16, 15 and younger. Once a person hits 18, (both physically and mentally) age no longer plays a role, but up to the age of 18, only those within the realm of minor age themselves should be sexual with other minor ages, period.

I understand there are many men who find young women attractive and desire that form of relationship, as long as the woman is 18 or older, I don’t care how old the man is, or vice versa, just so long as it is legal.
you can tell them all you want but it won't matter until they think it does

p.s. I contradict my contradictions, with or without intention, sometimes.
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