Originally Posted by Plan9
Pfft. I used to get paid to light things on fire. It was my job, nothing random about it.
But see you admitted it so my theory still stands

In all seriousness though sitting around a roaring fire can be quite relaxing as long as it wasn't started on somebodies couch.
SO lots of drinking, video games and exercise? Maybe the the ultimate way to relax after a bad day is to drink a bottle of rum and play Dance Dance revolution for few hours? Sure you might look like a jerk but, my god, how much fun especially for those watching.
I actually agree with you Meditrina, once in awhile I'll wind up looking after my two young nieces for an odd afternoon and chasing them around the back yard for a few hours really does help blow off steam. All that laughing and running and everything...how can you be angry after that? Of course it helps that I can just leave afterwards and my brother can deal with two very wound up kids.