IUD - experience
Hi All,
Just thought I would share my experience with a copper IUD. I did a lot of internet searching, reading of others' experiences, and there were many negative experiences - so much so, that I almost psyched myself out of the procedure. I know that things can definitely be painful, uncomfortable, or generally not work out - but I also wanted to provide one of the stories of things being "absolutely fine".
I got my IUD (a Nova-T - available here in Canada) a few (6) months ago. Insertion was fine, just felt like a significant cramp. My doctor is highly experienced, which probably helps a lot. I was amazed with how quickly it was all over. In addition, I was about 1 week after I had a period.
I had spotting for 4 days, and a few cramping spells each of those days, but nothing even approaching incapacitating.
My first period arrived on schedule - the major difference was a couple of days of light spotting before it was full-blown bleeding. The bleeding was heavier than it was on BC (was on for about a decade), but entirely managable with higher-absorbing tampons. The bleeding only lasted for 3 days, which is considerably shorter than before. The other periods I've had have been the same - like clockwork, predictable. Cramping does occur, but it's just a little uncomfortable.
I'm so relieved that these sorts of things have become almost non-issue, but the other changes I have experienced have been quite major. The first is my appetite - its as though I have an entirely different relationship with food. I experience hunger differently, and feel in tune with what my body needs. I also sleep quite a bit better, and have far fewer digestive complaints (I used to think that I had IBS - but perhaps it was due to the BCP?). I feel more able to decipher my emotions and when I am being unreasonable beyond control (i.e. my moods seem to make more sense). Sexual arousal is back on the table, and lubrication is no longer an issue. Orgasm intensity and duration have increased, and I find myself spending more time appreciating the sinewy sexiness of my husbands' body - really looking at him like I haven't looked at him in a while.
Hormonal birth control pill has effects on your entire system, and they're keeping you down. My experience with the IUD has so positively affected me - I think that every woman should consider it an option.