Originally Posted by levite
You know, I am going to have to pick The Wheel of Time over The Sword of Truth. [...]
You state a strong case. If you look at the OP again, you will notice I've listed the first three books of each series. Perhaps that's the extent to which we will cover them here. I think both are worth at least a look. (As far as three books are concerned.)
BTW, I read Zelazny's whole Chronicles of Amber during the year I lived in Israel [...] If I had picked it up in America, I probably would never have finished it.
I will need to think about this. I normally associate Zelazny with science fiction anyway.
Originally Posted by Xazy
How about some dark fantasy, like C.S Friedman, or Anna Bishop. A new series that only one book is out (but was an incredible first book) was Name of the Wind, by patrick Rothfuss.
I've considered non-epic fantasy as a diversion from the main epic that I've listed thus far. The books of China Mieville come to mind. Dark fantasy would work too. Basically, books that more fantasy, as opposed to science fiction, but are not based in medieval/renaissance styled worlds, but modern worlds instead (or older worlds with modern elements)----or, as well, books that aren't about swords and sorcery as we've come to know it thanks to Tolkien et al.
I'll figure out a secondary vein for this thread.